Thursday, June 07, 2007

What I'm Researching, What I'm Writing

I've got lots going on in regards to some freelance writing, including...

The Colonization of Mars.

An unprotected human being would lose consciousness in about 20 seconds and would be dead in about a minute on the surface of Mars without a space suit. Recently, at a conference, NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dale said, "We also hope to discover if Mars can provide a second home for humans - an extension of our civilization - 40 million miles from Earth."


My brothers are triplets. Not all my brothers. I have another, a sister, too, but my older brothers get a lot of attention. "Triplets! Wow! When one feels pain does the others sense it?!" That line of questioning is asked of me a lot. They must get it exponentially more than I do. I'm writing about growing up with the three of them. To note: They shared the same room, the three of them, THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL.


The living dead craving the taste of blood isn't something new. In fact, tales of vampires and their ilk are found in nearly every culture in the world, including ancient ones. Lilu spirits were mentioned in Babylon and Akhkhar was feared in Sumeria. There's also, of course, Bram Stoker's Dracula, based on an old Romanian prince, Vlad III, known for his cruel and bloody reign.

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