Thursday, April 08, 2010

The iPad is For Readers

This pronouncement care of Salon.

From the piece...

Reading a document on the iPad feels ... serene. There's no dock filled with application icons lurking at the edge of the screen to suggest that I log onto iChat to see who else is online (maybe it's Joan, and she can explain this one reference to me ...) or double-check the day's to-do list. No files on the desktop remind me about that other thing I need to put the finishing touches on and send. No notifications from TweetDeck pop up to inform me that Rose had insomnia again last night or that Ron found a fascinating article on the Guardian Web site or that Michele just posted an adorable new photo of her dog.

Many pundits have complained about the iPad's inability to support multitasking, and while I can see how that makes it impractical as a tool for work, it's actually an asset for someone who just wants to focus. You can only do one thing at a time on the iPad, and while I'm well aware that e-mail and LOLcats and all kinds of social networking treats are not much further away than a few extra clicks, switching from one app to another feels so definitive -- qualitatively different from having multiple windows open on a single screen.

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