Monday, November 28, 2011

75 Signs You're a Bibliophile

The list, care of University Reviews Online.

From the piece...

5. You fight to diversify the literary canon.

Great writing can come from anyone, anywhere. And a true bibliophile knows that the real literary canon is made up of far more than just a bunch of dead, high strung white guys. Oh, they contributed alright! But they are not the entirety.

6. You often find yourself wondering about whatever happened to Zadie Smith.

She’s still around, just not as prolific as the literati would like. Being a parent does that sometimes.

7. You have a little vein in your forehead that throbs whenever you hear about sparkly vampires.

If Sheridan Le Fanu and Bram Stoker came back to life and found out what became of their genuinely horrifying creations, they would probably crawl back into their graves and beg for the swift, cold mercy of death once more.

8. You laughed at the Thomas Pynchon episode of The Simpsons.

Because you got the jokes, of course. Not because you were pretending to get the jokes just to seem all intellectual.

9. Your loved ones tire of you spouting clichéd “The book was better” diatribes.

But you know better. Yes, yes you do. It’s not your fault the philistines haven’t picked up a work of fine literature since the Carter administration!

1 comment:

vic said...

What painting is that?